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  • Sharp’s AI Olfactory Sensor Wins the GOLD Award in the 1st Tech Direction Awards R&D / Prototype category
  • Sharp’s AI Olfactory Sensor Wins the GOLD Award in the 1st Tech Direction Awards R&D / Prototype category

    (Left) Reshan Maduka Abeysinghe, Researcher of the New Business Promotion Department, Business Development Division, Panel Semicon Laboratories, holding the GOLD award plaque for the R&D / Prototype category.
    (Right) Naoki Tani, Senior Designer of the Design Studio, Communications Business Division.

    Our AI Olfactory Sensor won the highest award, GOLD, in the R&D / Prototype category at the “1st Tech Direction Awards” organized by the Tech Director’s Association.※1

    The award ceremony was held on August 23 at TOKYO NODE LAB in Minato-ku, Tokyo. Representing our company, Reshan Maduka Abeysinghe, Researcher of the New Business Promotion Department, Business Development Division, Panel Semicon Laboratories, and Naoki Tani,※2 Senior Designer of the Design Studio, Communications Business Division, attended the ceremony.

    The AI Olfactory Sensor that won the GOLD award in the R&D / Prototype category

    Delivering the acceptance speech

    The “Tech Direction Awards” were established in 2023 by the Tech Directors’ Association to recognize projects with excellent technical direction, not only in ideas and expressions but also in their realization. The awards aim to highlight the often-overlooked importance of technical direction. In its inaugural year, the awards attracted approximately 150 project submissions across six categories: Digital Product, Digital Service, Digital Experience, Website/App, R&D/Prototype, and Special Prize. Out of these, 18 projects were honored with awards.

    The AI Olfactory Sensor was recognized for its challenge in creating a prototype for olfactory sensing, a new business area for our company. It leveraged our strengths in mass production technology for LCD displays and plasma discharge technology to ionize odor molecules.

    The GOLD award plaque for the R&D / Prototype category

    The Tech Director’s Association aims to support technical directors and raise awareness of technical direction itself by organizing a community of technical directors with different areas of expertise, hosting events, and conducting public relations activities.
    At the time of development, he belonged to the UX Design Group, Comprehensive Design Center.