Message from the President & CEO
Contribute to a sustainable society through innovations in business and technology
I believe that it is Sharp’s social responsibility to use its business to contribute to solving social problems; for example, by reducing our impact on climate change and respecting human rights.
Under our policy of ESG-focused management, which we announced last fiscal year, we are concentrating on three goals—improving technological strength, fostering global awareness, and making the most of our people—as we accelerate the creation of new businesses.
In April of this year, we reorganized our business group system into a new structure comprising the three brand businesses of the Smart Life & Energy Business, Smart Office Business, and Universal Network Business; and the two device businesses of the Display Devices Business and Electronic Devices Business. Under each of these are business units dedicated to new business areas.
And with the goal of taking Sharp’s technological strength to the next level, we also established the Innovation Group, which ties together functions that support innovation company-wide.
These six business groups come together under “One Sharp” as we develop game-changing, innovative technologies and devices in numerous fields that will change people’s lifestyles and work styles. This will ensure that we are always there for people and society and that Sharp achieves recognition as a company with a strong brand that continuously provides new value.
In May 2023, Sharp launched the Sustainability Committee, of which I am the chairperson. This committee will be the spearhead for a range of aggressive initiatives aimed at achieving a sustainable society. For example, the entire company will work to attain the medium-term environmental goals, which we set toward realizing our long-term environmental vision, SHARP Eco Vision 2050. One of these goals is achieving net zero CO2 emissions in Sharp business activities.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2009, Sharp continues to support the 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We also share the vision and mission of the RBA*, which we joined in 2021, throughout the entire Sharp Group. In this way, we will accelerate our efforts to effectively resolve global social issues.
Sharp’s business philosophy states, “Our future prosperity is directly linked to the prosperity of our customers, dealers, and shareholders...”. With this in mind, we will continue working with all stakeholders in carrying out our ESG management so that we can achieve the SDGs and thereby help realize a sustainable and better world where no one on Earth is left behind.
- * RBA: Responsible Business Alliance—a nonprofit organization that pursues social responsibility across the global supply chain.
August 2023