Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Sharp established?
When was Sharp first listed on the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchanges?
When does Sharp announce financial results?
Where can I view past financial results?
Where can I view the annual report?
On which stock exchanges are Sharp's shares listed?
What is Sharp's securities code?
I would like to know about ownership and share distribution of Sharp shares.
Where can I obtain information on shareholder's meeting?
Where can I get Sharp's shareholder services?
I would like to know about trends in cash dividends.
I would like to know about Sharp's takeover defense plan.
Q1 When was Sharp established?
Sharp was originally founded as a metalworking shop by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1912. In 1935, it was incorporated as Hayakawa Metal Works Institute Co. with capital assets 300,000 yen at that time. In 1970, the Company was renamed Sharp Corporation.
Q2 When was Sharp first listed on the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchanges?
Sharp was first listed on the Osaka Stock Exchange* in 1949 and on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1956.
  • * Now, Sharp's shares are listed only on the Tokyo Stock Exchange due to integration of the cash equity markets of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange on July 16, 2013.
Q3 When does Sharp announce financial results?
Please see IR Calendar.
Q4 Where can I view past financial results?
Please see Financial Material.
Q5 Where can I view the annual report?
Please see Annual Report.
Q6 On which stock exchanges are Sharp's shares listed?
Sharp's shares are listed on Tokyo in Japan.
Q7 What is Sharp's securities code?
Sharp's securities code is 6753 in Japan.
Q8 I would like to know about ownership and share distribution of Sharp shares.
Ownership of Sharp shares as of March 31, 2024 breaks down as follows.
Foreign shareholders 73.43%
Japanese individual shareholders 15.28%
Japanese financial institutions 8.70%
Other Japanese Corporations 1.53%
Japanese Securities Companies 0.89%
Treasury stock 0.17%
Q9 Where can I obtain information on shareholders' meeting?
Please see Shareholders' Meeting.
Q10 Where can I get Sharp's shareholder services?
Please refer to our transfer agent:

The Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Stock Transfer Agency Department, Head Office

Q11 I would like to know about trends in cash dividends.
Cash dividends per share of common stock are as follows.


  Interim Year-end Annual
(Year Ending March 31, 2025)
To be
To be
To be
(Year Ended March 31, 2024)
0 0 0
(Year Ended March 31, 2023)
0 0 0
(Year Ended March 31, 2022)
0 40 40
(Year Ended March 31, 2021)
0 30 30
(Year Ended March 31, 2020)
0 18 18
(Year Ended March 31, 2019)
0 20 20
(Year Ended March 31, 2018)
0 10 10
  • Remarks:
    Effective from Oct.1, 2017, we carried out the share consolidation of common shares at a ratio of 1 share per 10 shares.
Q12 I would like to know about Sharp's takeover defense plan.
Sharp Corporation has abolished Sharp's Takeover Defense Plan.
For the details, please refer to “Notice Regarding the Abolishment of the Plan Regarding Large-Scale Purchases of Sharp Corporation Shares (Takeover Defense Plan).”