"One-of-a-Kind" Story

2010 AX-CX1 Compact Healsio Superheated Steam Oven

Sharp introduced the AX-CX1 Healsio Superheated Steam Oven that uses superheated steam to cook foods in a healthy way by reducing excess fat and salt while preserving vitamin C. Its compact body with a depth of just 40 cm is ideal for living spaces occupied by people living by themselves. In addition to preprogrammed settings for popular dishes like gratin, savory steamed egg custard, and broiled fish, it also features 49 automatic settings ideal for the eating patterns of people living alone, such as "Breakfast Combo" convenient for busy times in the morning that cooks toast, eggs sunny-side up, and bacon wraps so that they all finish at the same time, "Spaghetti & Sauce" that can simultaneously warm a can or cooking pouch of spaghetti sauce while the pasta is boiling, and "Box Lunch Set" that can cook several kinds of side dishes at once from a selection of 21 recipes.

AX-CX1 Compact Healsio Superheated Steam Oven