Sales and Operating Income by Product Group
Note: Sales by product group include internal sales between segments (Consumer/Information Products and Electronic Components).
Consumer/Information Products
Sales of Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment in the second quarter were 318.5 billion yen, up 2.2% over the previous quarter, due mainly to an increase in sales of LCD TVs. Operating income was 3.9 billion yen, an improvement of 17.2 billion yen over the previous quarter. Profits from LCD TVs improved significantly.
Sales of Health and Environmental Equipment were 60.2 billion yen, up 4.4%, and operating income was 4.3 billion yen, up approx. 120% over the previous quarter. Sales of high-value-added products, such as refrigerators and air purifiers featuring Plasmacluster Ion technology and Plasmacluster Ion generators, increased.
Sales of Information Equipment were 69.8 billion yen, up 3.2% from the previous quarter, and operating income was 4.3 billion yen, up 61.3%. Though sales to corporate customers continued to be sluggish, reflecting a decrease in corporate capital investment, there was a slight improvement in demand over the previous quarter.
As a result, sales of these three product groups comprising Consumer/Information Products were 448.7 billion yen, up 2.6%, and operating income was 12.6 billion yen, an improvement of 21.2 billion yen over the previous quarter.
Electronic Components
Sales of LCDs were 222.3 billion yen, up 26.2% over the previous quarter, and operating income was 15.5 billion yen, an improvement of 30.3 billion yen. This was due mainly to stable LCD panel prices and to an increase in production capacity made at the Kameyama No. 2 Plant in August 2009 to cope with robust demand for LCD panels for TVs.
Sales of Solar Cells were 51.4 billion yen, up 47.8%, and operating income was 1.1 billion yen, an improvement of 2.9 billion yen over the previous quarter. This was mainly due to the introduction of a program in Japan to subsidize the installation of residential photovoltaic power generation systems.
Sales of Other Electronic Devices were 82.1 billion yen, up 36.5%, and operating income was 2.0 billion yen, an improvement of 4.0 billion yen over the previous quarter. Sales of CCD/CMOS imagers increased.
As a result, sales of these three product groups comprising Electronic Components were 355.9 billion yen, up 31.2%, and operating income was 18.7 billion yen, an improvement of 37.3 billion yen over the previous quarter.