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Sharp Environmental Forum in Shanghai
Presentation: Becoming an Environmentally Advanced Company

Bringing Clean Energy and Energy-Saving Consumer Electronics to People Everywhere

At the Environmental Forum, Sharp introduced the thinking behind its corporate vision of "Becoming an Environmentally Advanced Company" as well as various efforts to achieve this goal.

Sharp is pursuing environmental consciousness to the highest degree possible across the entire company in the five areas of technologies, products, plants, recycling, and management in order to achieve its goal of becoming an environmentally advanced company.

For example, Sharp presents its AQUOS LCD TV, which saves energy, resources, and space, as the ideal TV for this age of the environment. And Sharp is raising the bar for environmental performance by the AQUOS even further by adopting an easy-to-recycle design and environmentally friendly green materials. In addition, the LCD panels used in the AQUOS are made at the Kameyama Plant, a manufacturing facility that boasts an extremely high level of environmental protection measures, including efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of water used in production processes.

In the field of photovoltaic power systems that convert sunlight into clean energy, Sharp has been the world's top producer of solar cells, in terms of volume, for the past seven years.

Sharp is working to limit, to the greatest extent possible, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that result from its business activities around the world while also expanding its production of solar cells and LCD TVs. In this way, Sharp can bring clean energy and energy-saving consumer electronics to people everywhere and can ultimately achieve its goal of becoming an environmentally advanced company.

Speech by Hiroshi Morimoto, Group General Manager, Environmental Protection Group

Speech by Hiroshi Morimoto, Group General Manager, Environmental Protection Group

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