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Site Policy

Site Policy

This website is operated by Sharp Corporation and its affiliates.
The following information is provided for the convenience of visitors to this website.

Copyright/Trademark Policy

All text, photographs, illustrations, videos, music, software, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "content") on this website are protected by copyright owned by Sharp Corporation and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "SHARP") or by a third party. Content may be downloaded or otherwise reproduced only for the purposes of personal use, or use within a household, or other limited uses equivalent thereto. Furthermore, when content is accompanied by a SHARP or third-party copyright notice, the content must be reproduced with this notice appended intact thereto. For reproduction other than for the purposes mentioned above, when the copyright holder has indicated separate terms and conditions for use of the specific content, the content may be used in accordance with those terms and conditions. Usage may be refused in the event likenesses and/or works of third parties, etc., are incorporated in the content or if SHARP deems the usage to be inappropriate.

Except under the circumstances mentioned above or when the copyright law does not apply, adaptation, public transmission, etc., of the content, etc., of this website, for any purpose and in any form, is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder.

SHARP does not grant to the user copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights or any other rights held by SHARP or third parties to content appearing on the website. Nor is the accuracy of the content on this website guaranteed.


SHARP makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, usefulness, reliability or security of the content appearing on the website. SHARP disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage that may be incurred for any reason whatsoever as a result of accessing the website, being unable to access the website, or believing the content of the website.

SHARP may alter, correct or delete the content or URLs of this website without prior notice. Please note that the information provided on this website may not always be the most up-to-date available. In addition, SHARP may interrupt or terminate operation of the website or access to the content of the website without prior notice. SHARP disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage that may result for whatever reason from these events.

SHARP may change this Site Policy without prior notice. In this case, the updated Site Policy will apply. Your understanding is appreciated.

Privacy Policy

At times on this website, for purposes of customer service, you may be requested to provide personal information. In such cases, this personal information will be protected based on Sharp Global Website Privacy Policy.

SHARP abides by all statutes, laws and regulations governing the use of personal information on this website. Furthermore, SHARP regularly reviews and continuously improves its activities in personal data protection.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

This website employs an encryption technology called SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on pages where customers are requested to enter personal information. Under SSL, data entered by a customer is first encrypted on his or her computer before being sent over the network to a registered destination computer. With the use of this protocol, customers can be confident that their personal information is being kept secure and their privacy maintained.

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