‘LINC Biz’
Business Communication Service

Leveraging our unique AIoT platform to support diverse work approaches

LINC Biz (Presentation video/Lanuage:Japanese)

Wide range of uses, from desktop to mobile

Integrate business chats and videoconferences

Features of LINC Biz chat

Features of LINC Biz meeting videoconferencing

Seamless linking of business chats and videoconferences

Expanded functions

Job report aggregating function

Manage stuff function

‘LINC Biz’
Business Communication Service

Leveraging our unique AIoT platform to support diverse work approaches


With a shrinking workforce and various work approaches (e.g. telework), initiatives to help streamline business in various fields are being proposed to achieve the government's work style reform. In particular, more and more companies are actively adopting the With a shrinking workforce and various work approaches (e.g. telework), initiatives to help streamline business in various fields are being proposed to achieve the government’s work style reform. In particular, more and more companies are actively adopting the latest IT systems to revitalize business communication and speed up decision-making, and the business chat market is expected to expand rapidly in future. "LINC Biz" will support new styles, work approaches and ways of refining business communication as a tool that can streamline business to great effect by leveraging business chat and videoconferencing functions.

【Use】Telework Promotion / Remote Business Talks & Sales / Remote Learning & Learning / Online Exhibitions / Online Seminars / Online Interviews

The login URL/password for guest invitations is individually issued for each meeting and cannot be reused. Logged-in guests cannot join the meeting unless approved by the inviting party. If you send your login URL/password for another meeting, you need not worry about someone else joining the meeting without your permission and leaking your information, even if you send it to someone who is not involved.

Emails slow down dialog and hinder discussion but online chat solves those issues. Using online chat to clarify homonyms and spellings while videoconferencing can help miscommunication that comes from verbalizing alone. Since typhoons are predictable natural disasters, there is scope to prepare for working from home. Walking in a storm, waiting for a train, or finding accommodation is a waste of human resources and expense. It is times like these that demand the use of telecommuting to streamline management.

Features: LINC Biz chat

Features: LINC Biz meeting

Business chat function, as well as document sharing and audio/video conferencing

As well as text messages, there is scope to share a range of information (materials, images, videos, etc.) via simple drag-and-drop operations.

Seamlessly integrated business chat and voice/video conferencing

From business dialog to audio/video conferencing in a single click

Customization is possible according to the application of the company introducing the system (order processing)

  • Customization of the video/chat function and other features to suit business needs

  • Linking up with corporate IT systems and external cloud services can help streamline the process of functional expansion in a way that meets individual business needs.

Case study

AIoT Cloud is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sharp Corporation.
LINC Biz is a service planned and operated by AIoT Cloud, Inc. on behalf of Sharp Corporation.

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