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Sharp Attends Japanese-German Photovoltaic Energy Initiative Symposium at Hannover Messe

On April 24, 2008 the Japanese-German Photovoltaic Energy Initiative Symposium was held in conjunction with the Hannover Messe. The symposium was an opportunity for discussions between Japan and Germany, two countries that are leaders in solar power, on how to cooperate in broadening the use of photovoltaic systems. The event was attended by representatives from Japanese and German energy-planning governmental agencies, public research institutes, industry federations, and leading companies.

To an audience of solar industry businesspeople, scholars, and journalists, Sharp's Toshishige Hamano, Corporate Senior Executive Director and Group General Manager of the Solar Systems Group, gave a speech on the history and current status of solar power and what companies can do to industrialize its business. Afterwards, a panel discussion was held.

The event was a fruitful one, in which representatives from the two countries reconfirmed their cooperation in the further industrialization of solar power, a highly anticipated source of alternative energy.

The discussion panel: third from right is Corporate Senior Executive Director Hamano

Mr. Hamano gives a speech

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