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Sharp Environmental Forum in Jakarta

A scene from the forum

On November 24, 2011, Sharp Corporation held the Environmental Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The forum welcomed about 120 guests to the Cibinong Science Center, including members from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia/LIPI), students and teachers, representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the media.

Following a welcome message from Fumihiro Irie, President of SEID*, Tetsuro Muramatsu, Executive Officer and Group General Manager of Environmental Protection Group, followed up with a slide presentation explaining Sharp's corporate vision of "Becoming an Eco-Positive Company" and its environmental strategy, the Eco-Positive Strategy.

Fumihiro Irie, President of SEID

Tetsuro Muramatsu, Executive Officer and Group General Manager of Environmental Protection Group

Later, Dr. Teguh Triono from LIPI made a speech concerning Sharp's contribution to the environment in Indonesia. Plasmacluster Ion Generators were presented to NGO and school representatives, followed up by a tour of the Laboratorium, tree planting and fish releasing ceremonies, all symbolic events reflecting the environmental conscience of the participants.

fish releasing ceremony

A commemorative photo with students

This was the third Environmental Forum in Indonesia, succeeding those in 2008 and 2010. The participants conducted a frank and lively exchange of opinions, reflecting the strong interest towards environmental issues in Indonesia.

Sharp has so far held environmental forums like this in Japan, China, Indonesia, and Europe, and plans call for more such events in other parts of the world to introduce how Sharp is working for the environment in its own unique way.

  • * P.T. Sharp Electronics Indonesia

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