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Working to Become a Total Solar Power Solutins Provider
Sharp Hosts Solar Cell Forum

A scene from the Solar Cell Forum

On November 27, 2008, Sharp held its Solar Cell Forum in Tokyo, Japan. The event drew journalists from approximately 150 major media organizations in Japan and abroad.

Sharp's Executive Vice President Toshishige Hamano opened the forum by discussing the promising outlook for the rapidly expanding solar cell market.

The forum focused on Sharp's efforts to attain grid parity*, something that Sharp hopes to achieve by concentrating on both thin-film and crystalline solar cells. Also stressed was Sharp's goal of becoming a total solutions provider in the field of solar power; that is, a company that handles all aspects of the value chain, from procuring raw materials to running a power generation business.

The high level of interest in solar power was abundantly clear as Sharp received many enthusiastic questions about the company's solar cell business from the journalists in attendance.

Executive Vice President Toshishige Hamano

From left: Crystalline solar module, glass substrate for thin-film solar cells, and thin-film solar module

  • * Grid parity is the point at which the cost of photovoltaic electricity is equal to the cost of electricity supplied by electric power companies via conventional power lines.

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