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Sharp History

1962 : First Overseas Sales Subsidiary Established

Sharp has been paying attention to world markets ever since the Ever-Sharp Pencil era, putting effort into export. After World War Ⅱ, when transistor radios became commercialized, Sharp started placing a serious emphasis on exporting its various products to the US and other countries around the world.

First Overseas Sales Subsidiary in America

Initially, the company's exports were handled by trading firms and buyers. However, in order to create products especially geared to the needs of overseas users, and also to provide quality after-sales service which would lead to expansion of sales, it was crucial to develop an overseas sales network. As a result, in 1962, the company's first overseas sales subsidiary -- Sharp Electronics Corporation (SEC) -- was established in New York City.

Promoting Brand Recognition around the World

Staffed with 15 employees (including 6 Japanese) and capitalized at 150,000 US dollars (54 million yen), SEC began operations by focusing on the sale of transistor radios and black-and-white TVs. SEC's original products and sincere sales activities resulted in favorable market positioning and corporate performance. The company began establishing bases overseas, actively developing markets in Europe and Southeast Asia, creating a preference for Sharp transistor radios in 87 countries.

Mass Production of the Industry's First Microwave Oven

In 1961, Sharp became the first company in Japan to develop a microwave oven, and led the industry with mass production of the new device in 1962. Though most consumers today find microwave ovens indispensable, at that time consumers were reluctant to accept a product based on difficult-to-understand technology. Firmly convinced that microwave ovens offered new advantages, the company promoted their use in restaurants, hotels and other settings.

Kerosene Heaters with an Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Function

In 1962, the company developed a new type of kerosene heater with an automatic extinguishing function, which prevented fires even if the heater was overturned. Superb in heating ability, economy and safety, the new heaters with this safety feature became an instant hit and also the mainstay of heating equipment.

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