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Sharp History

1987 : Sharp -- the LCD Specialists

LCD Color TV

In 1987, the name Sharp became inextricably linked with the LCD. The company created a TFT LCD module containing 92,160 pixels, the most in the industry, and incorporated it into an LCD color TV, the Crystaltron. Audiences marveled at the new display's sharpness and clarity.

"Paper White" LCD Screen

Also introduced in 1987 was the "paper white" DST type LCD screen. Its large size made it particularly easy on the eyes.

Both the TFT LCD module and the "paper white" screen captured top shares in their market sectors and energized the market with products incorporating LCD technology.

Expanding Domestic Demand and Shifting Production Overseas

The value of the yen continued to rise against other currencies, putting a strong brake on the country's economy. Sharp experienced a drop in profits for the first time in 11 years. In response, it stepped up efforts to expand domestic demand and accelerated the shift to overseas production.

Office Automation Makes its Way into the Home

Sharp merged its Japanese marketing operations into two companies: Sharp Electronics Sales Corporation and Sharp System Products Co., Ltd. As more office equipment products began to be used in the home, the company moved toward a fusion of consumer electronics products and information equipment. Retailers were encouraged to stock products outside of the consumer electronics products category to respond to this trend.

Manufacturing Base in Thailand

Sharp established Sharp Appliances (Thailand) Limited (SATL) to manufacture microwave ovens and refrigerators.

Akira Saeki Appointed Corporate Advisor

On June 26, Sharp's chairman Akira Saeki retired and assumed the post of corporate advisor.

Popular Electronic Organizer

After a two-year development, the electronic organizer made its debut in 1986. This handy compact unit provided the capability to work with both text and numbers, and would soon take its place as one of the company's key products. The new organizers gave users a calendar, memo pad, phone book, scheduler and calculator, all in a single unit. Users could add to the built-in functions by inserting IC cards for specific applications. This hit product line was ideally suited to the information-intensive character of the time.

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