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Press Releases

April 26, 2012
Sharp Corporation
Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Change of Scheduled Execution Date of Definitive Agreement on Business Integration of Liquid Crystal Display Color Filter Businesses Operated by Toppan Printing and Dai Nippon Printing in Sakai Plant into Sharp's Subsidiary

As to our news release dated April 10, 2012, "Basic Agreement on Business Integration of Liquid Crystal Color Filter Businesses Operated by Toppan Printing and Dai Nippon Printing in Sakai Plant into Sharp's Subsidiary, and Transfer of Sharp Subsidiary", we hereby announce that it was determined to change the scheduled execution date of the definitive agreement as follows.

1. Change

  • Execution date of the Definitive agreement before change: End of April, 2012 (scheduled)
  • Execution date of the Definitive agreement after change: May, 2012 (scheduled)

2. Reason for Change

With regard to the business integration of liquid crystal display color filter businesses operated by Toppan Printing and Dai Nippon Printing in Sakai Plant into Sharp's subsidiary, Sharp Display Products Corporation ("SDP"), the parties concerned have executed the basic agreement as of April 10, 2012 and have been proceeding with a detailed consideration. We figured out that further discussions will be necessary to strongly reinforce SDP's competitiveness after the business integration, and we decided to change the originally scheduled execution date of the definitive agreement.

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