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Press Releases

April 27, 2012

Establishment of Sharp Electronics (Europe) Limited

We have resolved the establishment of "Sharp Electronics (Europe) Limited (SEE)" at the board meeting held on April 27th, 2012. SEE, owned 100% by Sharp Corporation, is positioned as the head office in the Europe region.

1. Purpose of establishment of SEE

The purpose of this establishment is to enhance the business management in Europe, where there are several cultures and languages. The establishment of SEE will enable us to share objectives, run market based business operation, transfer authority to SEE, and have speed in decision makings.

2. Summary of SEE

 (1) Corporate Name  Sharp Electronics (Europe) Limited
 (2) Function  Owner of European subsidiaries' share and governance
 (3) Date of Establishment  May 7, 2012 (plan)
 (4) Location  London, UK
 (5) Name of Representative  CEO Paul Molyneux (Sharp Corporation Executive officer)
 (6) Amount of Capital  (at establishment)   100 EUR
 (as of September 30, 2012)   252,927 thousand EUR (plan)
 (7) Closing Date  May 31, 2012 (plan)
 (8) Parent Company  100% owned by Sharp Corporation

3. Schedule

April 27, 2012 Resolved at the board meeting
May 7, 2012 Registration
May – September, 2012 Stock transfer for European subsidiaries

4. Future impact/vision

Because it is the transfer of capital which Sharp Corporation owned, no material impact is anticipated on Sharp’s consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2013. Regarding the financial results for March 2012 and the forecast for March 2013, please refer to the earnings briefing for March 2012, which is announced at 15:00 today.

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