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Press Releases

September 25, 2012

Sharp at CEATEC Japan 2012

New Products and Technologies that Transform People's Lifestyles to be Exhibited
Under the Concept "Future Smart Living Revolves Around Solar"

Sharp Corporation will take part in CEATEC JAPAN 2012, the annual comprehensive exhibition showcasing the latest in IT and electronics from October 2 to 6, 2012 at the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture. Under the concept "Future Smart Living Revolves Around Solar," Sharp will display new products and technologies that will transform people's lifestyles.

Exhibit Highlights

1. Solar Solutions

Visitors will get a glimpse into the home of the future in a Sharp smart house composed of proprietary see-through solar modules set up as a symbolic structure of the booth. Sharp's residential energy solutions feature greater overall power generation thanks to panel configurations geared to roof shape and a power conditioner, as well as a lithium-ion storage battery that allows load levelling in which inexpensive night-time electricity is stored for use during the daytime. Commercial energy solutions, meanwhile, include solar panels that are built right into the construction materials.

2. ICC-LED TV* (Reference Exhibit)

Visitors can experience the super-high-quality images achieved by Sharp's ICC-LED TV. An integration of ICC (Integrated Cognitive Creation) technology, developed by I3 (I-cubed) Research Center, and Sharp large-screen panel technology that gives a resolution four times that of conventional full HD LCD panels, the ICC-LED TV reproduces the cognitive process by which the human brain interprets light stimuli, resulting in on-screen images that approach true-to-life quality.

3. LCD TV AQUOS Incorporating New Technology "Moth Eye Panel" (Reference Exhibit)

Sharp introduces an AQUOS LCD TV incorporating a "Moth Eye Panel," which gives vividly colored images and high contrast while at the same time keeping screen reflections to a minimum.

4. IGZO LCD Display (Reference Exhibit)

Sharp LCD panels with IGZO technology offer higher resolution, lower power consumption, and higher performance touch screens.

5. COCOROBO Robotic Appliance (for Japanese market)

COCOROBO robotic appliance has advanced functions like artificial intelligence, voice recognition, sensors, and smartphone linking, thus offering users comfort, and a safe, secure home.

Location of Sharp Booth

Booth 4B70, Hall 4, Life & Society Stage

At CEATEC 2012, Sharp Corporation will conduct environmental education for elementary school students at the "Kids Seminar," sponsored by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). Sharp will give a lesson focusing on environmental issues, the importance of energy, and energy saving at home—all made simple and informative with solar power generation experiment and an eco-quiz.

Date/time: October 6, 2012 (Saturday), 9-10 a.m.
Place: Conference room 201, second floor, Makuhari Messe convention center
Topics: Global warming and the importance of energy
Speakers: Staff of NPO Weather Caster Network and Sharp Corporation
For details: Sharp Corporation CEATEC site (in Japanese only):
100th Anniversary site:

* Developed in collaboration with I3 (I-cubed) Research Center Inc. (location: Setagaya, Tokyo; President: Tetsujiro Kondo)

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