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Press Releases

June 22, 2017

Sharp Signs Agreement to Construct Roof-Top Solar System on Stores of Big C Through Impact Solar Limited (ISL), in Thailand, Using JCM Scheme

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Sharp Corporation, through its Thailand subsidiary company Sharp Solar Solution Asia Co., Ltd. (SSSA), has signed an agreement to construct roof-top solar system for Big C*1, one of Thailand’s largest hypermarket retailers, through Impact Solar Limited (ISL)*2. The roof-top solar system will be built in 16 Big C superstores stores, starting with Omyai (Nakhon Pathom) and Suksawat (Samut Prakan) branches with a total capacity of 16MW. Construction will commence in July 2017, with the aim to successively start commercial operations from December 2017 until March 2019. Furthermore, Big C ISL and Sharp are in currently discussing to expand this project with additional installation of solar systems of up to 11MW in total to help save electricity in stores and warehouses.

This project has been approved by the Financing Program for JCM Model Projects under the Joint Crediting Mechanism operated by the Ministry of Environment of Japan. Following the economic growth, the energy consumption has risen rapidly in Thailand, and it has become a challenge to diversify energy resources and reduce damage to the environment and to seek alternate sources other than the current fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.

Also, the agreement will contribute to Japan's greenhouse gas emission reduction target through the Joint Crediting Mechanism. The installed capacity of PV modules for this roof-top solar will be 16MW and the annual power generation is expected to be 21,675 MWh, ultimately aiming to reduce approximately 6,913 tCO2/year of greenhouse gas emission.

Outline of the project

Country Thailand
Site 16 Stores, Big C Supercenter
Planned installed capacity
(PV module capacity)
Expected annual power generation Approximately 21,675 MWh /year
Expected greenhouse gas emission reduction amount Approximately 6,913tCO2/year
Expected Completion Date March 2019
  • *1 Big C, or Big C Supercenter is a grocery and general merchandising retailer headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. Big C operates more than 100 stores.
    CEO: Aswin Techajareonvikul
  • *2 Impact Solar Limited is a company based in Bangkok, Thailand with focus on providing clean energy to private customers through a commercial solar roof-top project.
    CEO: Somboon Lertsuwannaroj

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