Positive and negative ions make air clean and life comfortable.
Let's look at some of the benefits Plasmacluster brings.
Purifies air
- Plasmacluster’s effects will vary depending on the usage environment (temperature, humidity, room size and shape, absence/presence of air conditioner and ventilation system, installation location, etc.), product characteristics, product usage (direction of ion generation, operation mode, operation duration, etc.), and individual user characteristics.
- Test results are not proven results in actual usage environments. The examples given below are merely for reference. See the individual product pages for the effects of each product.

Eliminates airborne mold※1
Effect after 84 to 635 minutes in a test space of 31 m³ to 55 m³. (For air conditioner equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000)

Suppress proliferation of adhering mold※2
Effect after 8 days in a test space of 20 m³. (For air conditioner equipped with Plasmacluster 25000)

Suppress activity of airborne viruses※3
Effect after 9 to 18 minutes in an airtight test space of 25 m³. (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000)

Suppress activity of adhering viruses※4
Effect after 7.5 to 10 hours in an airtight test space of 25 ³. (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000)

Suppress activity of airborne bacteria※5
Effect after 14 to 51 minutes in an airtight test space of 25 m³. (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000)

Suppress effects of airborne allergens
such as dust mite feces and carcasses ※6
Effect after 14 to 51 minutes in an airtight test space of 25 m³. (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000)
- ※1 • Test institution: Ishikawa Health Service Association • Test method: Plasmacluster air conditioners were operated in test spaces of 55 m³ (Plasmacluster 25000), and 31 m³ (Plasmacluster 7000). Airborne mold was measured with an air sampler. • Test results: 99% of mold was eliminated after 201 minutes (Plasmacluster 25000), and 635 minutes (Plasmacluster 7000).
- ※2 • Test institution: Japan Food Research Laboratories • Test result report: No. 14039227001-01 (published May 7, 2014) • Test method: A veneer board impregnated with mold was placed in a 20 m³ test space, where a Plasmacluster air conditioner was operated. According to the JISZ2911 standard, the percentage of surface area with mold growth was measured. • Test result: After 8 days, the proliferation of adhering mold was suppress.
- ※3• Test institution: Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam • Test method: A performance evaluation test was conducted according to Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association standards (JEM1467) in a 25 m³ test space. • Tested substance: One type of airborne virus • Test results: 99% of viruses were suppress after 9 minutes in a test space where a KI-AX80 (model with lower performance than the KI-HP100) was operated at high air flow. 99% of viruses were suppress after 18 minutes in a test space where an FU-A30 (model with same performance as the FU-H30) was operated at high air flow.
- ※4• Test institution: Shokukanken Inc. • Test method: A performance evaluation test was conducted according to Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association standards (JEM1467) in a 25 m³ test space. • Tested substance: One type of adhering virus • Test results: 99% of viruses were suppress after 7.5 hours in a test space where a KI-HP100 was operated at turbo air flow. 99% of viruses were suppress after 10 hours in a test space where a KI-BX50 (air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000) was operated at high air flow.
- ※5• Test institution: Japan Food Research Laboratories• Test result reports: No. 15047086002-0101/15061721001-0101 • Test method: A performance evaluation test was conducted according to voluntary standards (HD-131) of the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association in a 25 m³ test space. • Tested substance: One type of airborne bacteria• Test results: 99% of airborne bacteria were suppress after 14 minutes in a test space where a KI-EX100 (model with same performance as the KI-HP100) was operated at high air flow. 99% of airborne bacteria were suppress after 51 minutes in a test space where an FU-F28 was operated at high air flow.
- ※6 • Test institution: ITEA Inc. • Test method: Allergens (dust mite feces and carcasses) were released into the air in a 25 m³ test space, and allergens were measured using the ELISA technique. • Test results: 99% of allergens were suppress after 14 minutes in a test space where a KI-EX100 (model with same performance as KI-HP100) was operated at high air flow. 99% of allergens were suppress after 51 minutes in a test space where an FU-F28 was operated at high air flow.
<VIDEO> Airborne mold Suppression mechanism of Plasmacluster Ions
Eliminates odors
- Plasmacluster’s effects will vary depending on the usage environment (temperature, humidity, room size and shape, absence/presence of air conditioner and ventilation system, installation location, etc.), product characteristics, product usage (direction of ion generation, operation mode, operation duration, etc.), and individual user characteristics.
- Test results are not proven results in actual usage environments. The examples given below are merely for reference. See the individual product pages for the effects of each product.

Breaks down and eliminates adhering tobacco odors※7
Effect after 30 to 90 minutes in a test space of 41 m³. (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000) The odor elimination effect will vary depending on factors such as the type and strength of the odor, and the material that the odor adheres to.
- ※7• Test institution: Sharp • Test method: Using a six-level odor intensity indication method, the effectiveness of deodorizing a test specimen impregnated with tobacco smoke odor was evaluated. • Test results: Odors were reduced to an unnoticeable level after 30 minutes in a test space where a KI-HP100 was operated. Odors were reduced to an unnoticeable level after 55 minutes in a test space where a KI-BX50 (air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000) was operated. Odors were reduced to an unnoticeable level after 90 minutes in a test space where an FU-B30 (air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 7000) was operated.
Reduces static electricity
- Plasmacluster’s effects will vary depending on the usage environment (temperature, humidity, room size and shape, absence/presence of air conditioner and ventilation system, installation location, etc.), product characteristics, product usage (direction of ion generation, operation mode, operation duration, etc.), and individual user characteristics.
- Test results are not proven results in actual usage environments. The examples given below are merely for reference. See the individual product pages for the effects of each product.

Reduces static electricity※8
Effect after 40 to 360 seconds in a test space of 55 m³. (For air conditioner equipped with Plasmacluster 25000/7000)
- ※8 • Test institution: Sharp • Test method: A Plasmacluster air conditioner was operated in a test space of 55 m³. The time needed to reduce a 5 kV charged test specimen to 0.5 kV was measured. • Test results: Static electricity was reduced from 5 kV to 0.5 kV in 80 seconds (Plasmacluster 25000), and 360 seconds (Plasmacluster 7000).
<VIDEO> Static Electricity Suppression Mechanism Employing "Plasmacluster" Technology
Beautifies skin
- Plasmacluster’s effects will vary depending on the usage environment (temperature, humidity, room size and shape, absence/presence of air conditioner and ventilation system, installation location, etc.), product characteristics, product usage (direction of ion generation, operation mode, operation duration, etc.), and individual user characteristics.
- Test results are not proven results in actual usage environments. The examples given below are merely for reference. See the individual product pages for the effects of each product.

Gives skin radiance※9
Effect after 20 minutes in a test space of 17 m². (For air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000)
- ※9• Test institution: Soiken Inc. • Test subjects: 21 females, ages 36–63 • Temperature: 25℃ • Humidity: 45% • Test method: With the subjects in a state of relaxation, the amount of moisture in the area around the outer corners of their eyes was measured. • Test results: The subjects’ area around the outer corners of their eyes was confirmed to be radiant after Plasmacluster product operation of 20 minutes. The KI-BX50 (air purifier equipped with Plasmacluster 25000) was operated with the humidifying air purification function at medium.
<VIDEO> Skin Moisture Retention Mechanism Employing Plasmacluster Technology