Electronic Components / Display Devices

What's New

  • Product information for LCD Modules has been published.
    Go to product information page

  • LCD Modules Catalog (September 2024) has been published.
    Go to catalog page

  • LCD Modules & Laser Diodes Catalog (March 2024) has been published.

  • Laser Diodes Catalog (March 2023) has been published.

  • LCD Modules Catalog (March 2023) has been published.

  • LCD Modules & Laser Diodes Catalog (September 2022) has been published.

  • LCD Modules & Laser Diodes Catalog (March 2022) has been published.

  • Product information for transparent displays has been published.
    Go to product information page

  • We provide high value-added film with low reflection, anti-fog, and transparency using Moth eye technology.
    Go to product information page

  • Low power consumption display having unique reflection structure, and utilizing ambient light as light source instead of back-light.