
AR (augmented reality) Markers


Want to display a life-size image*1 of a Sharp MFP on your mobile device? Use the AR marker, which you can print out from this website. This makes it easy to imagine what the MFP will look like in your office or workplace.

How to use AR marker

Step 1: Download and print the AR marker with A3 paper in actual size.*2
Step 2: Put the AR marker where you want to use MFP.
Step 3: Start AReader® application with mobile device and cast the AR marker.

App Store
Google Play

Click desired machine image to download its AR marker:


  1. The measurement of the on-screen MFP may not appear exact in some cases.
  2. For good simulations, select "Actual Sizing & Handling", check "Choose paper source by PDF page size" on the Adobe® PDF printer driver, and print the marker to the A3 paper so that the pattern size of marker will be 27.0 cm.
  • AReader and the AReader logo are registered trademarks of Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd.
  • App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
  • Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
  • Adobe is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe in the US and/or other countries.