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Global Basic Policy on Information Security

Global Basic Policy on Information Security

To ensure the safe and appropriate management and use of information and information systems (hereinafter “Information Assets”), the Sharp Group* (hereinafter the “Group”) stipulates a Global Basic Policy on Information Security as below, striving at all times to maintain the security of its information.

1. We recognize that information is a vital management resource in supporting and improving the competitive position of the Group. We will strive to manage our Information Assets prudently and use them safely and appropriately in order to build reliable relationships with customers, business partners, and other stakeholders.

2. We will construct a framework for information security with reference to the status of information protection systems in countries and regions around the world, and thereby implement a variety of related measures.

3. In using both hardware and software, we will maintain systems and arrangements to manage our Information Assets prudently and use them safely and appropriately. We will constantly work to improve these systems and arrangements, reviewing them continuously.

4. We will take appropriate measures to maintain our Information Assets and thereby establish information security measures commensurate with the importance of each Information Asset, in order to protect them from divulgement, tampering, loss, external penetration of information systems, or other damage.

5. Our basic principle is to convey only the necessary information to the members within the scope necessary for the conduct of operations. In particular, we will exercise strict management of all important information and personal information disclosed to us by customers and business partners.

6. Directors, officers and employees will work together to maintain effective information security. To this end, education and training is provided on a regular basis to all Group directors, officers and employees.

7. We will strictly comply with all laws, contractual obligations, and other standards regarding information security.

8. We will require all our business partners who hold information about the operations of the Group to take the measures necessary to maintain information security.

9. In the event that a problem arises with respect to the security of Information Assets, we will take prompt action to discover the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to minimize damage and prevent recurrence.

* The Sharp Group is comprised of Sharp Corporation, its subsidiaries, and other affiliated companies in which Sharp Corporation holds a controlling interest.

April 1, 2015

Sharp Corporation

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