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Sharp Introduces AQUOS Ultra High Definition TV to the North American Market

On June 26, 2013, Sharp announced its first Ultra HD TV for the North American market.

A scene from the announcement

The 70 inch class (69.5 inch diagonal) AQUOS Ultra HD TV is the first Ultra HD TV to receive the coveted THX(R) 4K certification in NorthAmerica. THX 4K certification sets the industry standard for image quality and consistency.

“Sharp has a rich history of leading the electronics industry in innovation. Today we continue that tradition with the introduction of the AQUOS Ultra HD LED TV,” said John Herrington, President, Sharp Electronics Marketing Company of America. “With four times the pixel resolution of HD, the 70 inch class AQUOS Ultra HD LED TV is our finest television ever.”

Sharp will be enforcing its sales of Ultra HD TVs toward the North American market with strong demands for large size TVs.

THX 4K Certified 70 inch class Ultra HD TV "LC-70UD1U"

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