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December 19, 2014
Notice of Extraordinary Losses Accompanying Structure Reforms to Consumer Electronics Business in Europe (PDF:139KB)
November 19, 2014
"Challenge for Change" site is updated - Vol.7: Aquos 4
November 4, 2014
Presentation Material with Note of Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended September 30, 2014 (PDF:334KB)
November 4, 2014
Sharp Debuts Industry-First Infrared Color Night-Vision Security Camera that Captures Color Video in Total Darkness (Zero Lux)
October 31, 2014
Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended September 30, 2014
October 9, 2014
Sharp's MEMS-IGZO display tablet wins "Green Innovation Category Grand Prix"
October 7, 2014
Sharp's "8K full-spec LCD Display" receives Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award of "CEATEC AWARD 2014" in Japan
October 6, 2014
For the first time in industry, Sharp Develops 7.0" Tablet with MEMS-IGZO display
October 1, 2014
Notice Regarding Completion of Share Transfer of the Affiliated Company Accounted for by the Equity-Method (PDF:20KB)
September 26, 2014
Notice of extraordinary losses due to structural reforms of the Consumer Electronics business in Europe (PDF:242KB)
September 25, 2014
Social and Environmental Activities (CSR) site redesigned.
September 19, 2014
Sharp at CEATEC Japan 2014
September 5, 2014
"Challenge for Change" site is updated - Vol.6: Cloud Storage Battery System
September 1, 2014
Notice Regarding Executive Personnel Changes (PDF:22KB)
August 28, 2014
Notice Regarding the Dissolution of Capital Alliance with Pioneer Corporation (PDF:61KB)
August 19, 2014
Sharp Provides AQUOS Crystal Smartphones in Japan and the U.S.
August 6, 2014
Annual Report 2014
August 6, 2014
"Challenge for Change" site is updated - Vol.5: Developing Business in the ASEAN Region
August 1, 2014
Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended June 30, 2014
August 1, 2014
Notice Regarding Extraordinary Item in Other Income (PDF:19KB)
July 31, 2014
Worldwide Offical Social Media Accounts Page update: Sharp Roxy Singapore is added to list
July 28, 2014
"Challenge for Change" site is updated - Vol.4: Convenience Store Printing Service
July 24, 2014
Notice Regarding Transfer of Quotaholding Interests of the Affiliated Company Accounted for by the Equity-Method (PDF:147KB)
July 23, 2014
Introducing the Sharp Booth at PVJapan 2014
July 15, 2014
World Topics "Sharp Holds Conference Introducing Marketing Activities in Asia"
July 11, 2014
Notice Regarding Extraordinary Items in Other Expenses due to Restructuring of Solar Cell Business in Europe (PDF:169KB)
July 10, 2014
"Challenge for Change" site is updated - Vol.3: Microbe Sensor
July 4, 2014
Sharp's Comment on News Reports Concerning Sharp's Business in Europe (PDF: 18KB)
June 27, 2014
Notice Regarding Executive Personnel Changes (PDF:41KB)
June 25, 2014
Approval of Continuation of Plan Regarding Large-Scale Purchases of Sharp Corporation Shares (Takeover Defense Plan) and Appointment of Members of the Special Committee (PDF: 118KB)
June 25, 2014
"Challenge for Change" website is updated
June 18, 2014
Sharp Develops Free-Form Display, Enables Vastly Greater Design Freedom for Displays
June 11, 2014
Notice Regarding Transfer of Shares of the Affiliated Company Accounted for by the Equity-Method (PDF:131KB)
June 10, 2014
Sharp’s 14-Inch TFT-LCD Recognized as IEEE Milestone
June 2, 2014
"Challenge for Change" website is open
May 13, 2014
Presentation Material with Note of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2013 (PDF:846KB)
May 12, 2014
The Progress of Sharp's Medium-Term Management Plan
May 12, 2014
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2014
May 12, 2014
Notice of Difference between Forecast and Actual Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2014 (PDF:53KB)
May 12, 2014
Notice Regarding Extraordinary Items in Other Expenses (PDF:30KB)
May 12, 2014
Notice Regarding Executive Personnel Changes (PDF:78KB)
May 12, 2014
Partial Amendment to and Continuation of Plan Regarding Large-Scale Purchases of Sharp Corporation Shares (Takeover Defense Plan) (PDF:157KB)
April 28, 2014
Sharp Receives Order to Supply Solar Power Generation Systems for Aeon Mall Phnom Penh in Cambodia
April 17, 2014
Sales of Products Equipped with Sharp's Plasmacluster Technology Reach 50 Million Units Worldwide
April 1, 2014
Notice Regarding Gain/Loss on Sales of Investment Securities (Other Income/Expenses)(PDF:121KB)
March 27, 2014
The AQUOS Global Site is renewed
March 3, 2014
Notice Regarding Executive Personnel Changes (PDF:23KB)
February 20, 2014
Introducing Sharp Booth at PV EXPO 2014
February 13, 2014
Sharp Holds Grand Opening Ceremony of Its New Plant in Karawang, Indonesia
February 6, 2014
Presentation Material with Note of Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended December 31, 2013 (PDF:316KB)
February 4, 2014
Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended December 31, 2013
January 27, 2014
Sharp to Construct 52 MW Large-Scale Solar Power Generation Plant in Thailand
January 7, 2014
Sharp Meets the Press at CES 2014

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