

NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a storage device that is connected to the network.
You can use part of the machine’s local drive area as a simple file server to save files and browse saved files.


The folder structure is as follows.


  • root
    • public: Area for storing PDF files for PC browsing that have been created using the document filing function.
    • shared: Area where you can freely create folders.

    Saving files in NAS / browsing NAS files

    You can save data that you need to the machine’s local drive, and view the data on your computer.

    Document scanned on the machine
    In document filing, tap the [Create PDF for PC Browsing] checkbox so that it is selected , and copy to the publicfolder to save the data.
    File Information

    Using as a file server / browsing saved files.

    To use this, open any folder screen on your computer and enter the IP address of the machine after “\\” in the address bar (example: \\
    • Access restrictions are set for each folder, so you must enter the login name and password of the administrator account or of a user account that has been registered in the machine.
    • The maximum size per file is 2 GB.

    User's Manual

    Version 03a / bp90c80_usr_03a_en