This function allows you to store an original
in copy mode or image send mode as an image file in the Quick File
folder of the machine.
The image file stored in quick file mode can be retrieved
at a later time, allowing you to copy the document or transmit it in
image send mode without having to locate the original.
As an example, the procedure for using "Quick File" in copy
mode is explained below.
- Quick File can be used in normal
- When a file is stored using Quick File,
the following user name and file name are automatically assigned
to the file.
User Name:
User Unknown
File Name:
Save location:
Quick File Folder
When user
authentication is used, the user name that was used for login is
automatically selected.
Only the
file name and location of a file stored in the Quick File folder
can be changed.
- You can change the name of the sending
file at scanner or resend transmission by system settings.
delete all files in the Quick File folder with the exception of
protected files:
In "Settings (administrator)", select [System Settings] →
[Document Filing Settings] → [Condition Settings] → [Delete All Quick Files]. Configure
settings to
have all files deleted when the power is turned on as required.
Place the original.
Place the original in the document feeder tray of the
automatic document feeder, or on the document glass.
TYPE AND STATUS OF THE ORIGINALChange to normal mode and tap [Quick File] on the action
panel so that it is selected
When a message relating to saving confidential
information appears, tap the [OK] key.
Start a copy or image sending.
When the function is executed, the image data of the
original is stored in the Quick File folder.
To prevent accidental saving of the file, the message
"The scanned data is stored in the quick file folder." appears for
6 seconds (default setting) after the [Start] key ([Color Start]
key or [B/W Start] key in copy mode) is tapped.
To change the message display time, in "Settings (administrator)"
→ [System Settings] → [Common Settings]
→ [Operation Settings] → [Condition Settings] → [Message Time Setting].
cancel Quick File:Tap [Quick File] to enable

Tapping the [File] key of the document
filing function when printing or transmitting an original in each
mode allows you to store the original in the Main folder or stored
Custom folder as a file simultaneously with printing or transmission.
The stored file can be retrieved at a later time, allowing you to
recopy or resend the original without having to locate it.
As an example, the procedure for using "File" in copy mode
is explained below.
- File can be used in normal mode.
- When a
file is stored using File without appending file information, the
following user name and file name are automatically assigned to
the file.
User Name:
User Unknown
File Name: Mode_Month-Day-Year_Hour-Minute-Second
(Example: Copy_10102021_112030AM)
Save location: Main Folder
- You can change the name of the sending
file at scanner or resend transmission by system settings.
File Information
The procedure for detail settings is described below.
Specifying a property, user name, file name, and folder makes
it easier to manage and search for a file. In addition, when [Confidential]
is selected for Property and a password is established, other people
will not be able to view the file without permission.
Changing the property
A protect setting can be selected for files saved with
the document filing function. This prevents a file from being moved, or
automatically or manually deleted.
Three properties are available for saved files: "Sharing",
"Protect", and "Confidential". When saved with the "Sharing" property,
a file is not protected. When saved with the "Protect" or "Confidential"
property, a file is protected.
Files saved to the Quick File folder are all saved as "Sharing"
files. When a file is saved to the Main folder or a custom folder,
"Sharing", "Protect" or "Confidential" can be selected.
Sharing |
A "Sharing" file can be changed to "Protect" or
"Confidential" using "Property Change" in the Job Settings.
Protect |
"Protect" does not require setting of a password,
but prevents a file from being moved, deleted or edited. A password
cannot be established.
Confidential |
To protect a "Confidential" file, a password is
set. (The password must be entered to retrieve the file.) When a
file is saved in encrypted PDF format, the file property is automatically
set to "Confidential".
- Restrictions
on changing the property
- A
file that is set to "Sharing" can be changed to "Protect"
or "Confidential" as required. However, a "Sharing" file that is saved
in the Quick File folder can only be changed to "Protect".
- A file
that is set to "Protect" can be changed to "Sharing" or "Confidential"
as required. However, a "Protect" file that is saved in the Quick
File folder can only be changed to "Sharing".
- A file
that is saved in the Quick File folder cannot be changed to "Confidential".
If the file is moved to the Main folder or a custom folder, the
property can be changed to "Confidential".
- Two properties
cannot be selected for a single file.
Select [Property] in the File Information screen.
When you have selected [Confidential], enter a password
(4 to 32 characters).
Every time you enter one digit, “

" is displayed.
Specifying a user name
Tap the [User Name] text box.
When user authentication is used, the user name that
was used for login is automatically selected. In this case, this
step is not necessary.
The user name must first be stored by selecting
[User Control] in "Settings (administrator)" → [User Settings] → [User List].
Tap the key of the user name.
Alternatively, you can select a user name by tapping
the [Call with Registration Number] key and entering the user number.
The user number must be first set by selecting [User Control]
in "Settings (administrator)" → [User Settings] → [User List].
The system goes back to the screen of step 1 to display
the selected user name.
Assigning a file name
A file name can be assigned to the
Tap the [File Name] text box and enter the file name.
Enter a file name using up to 30 characters.
File Name
- If a file name that already exists
is specified, a tilde and a serial number are added after the file
name and this file is saved as a different file. The file name is
not case-sensitive.
For example,
if the "test.txt" file already exists and you specify the "TEST.TXT"
file, the file will be saved as "TEST.TXT~1" file.
- If the length of the file name exceeds
the limit, excess characters will be omitted and a serial number
will be added to the end of the file name.
Specifying the folder
Specify the folder for storing the
Tap the [Stored to] text box.
If a user name with a "My Folder" setting is selected,
"My Folder" of that user will automatically be selected.
Tap the key of the folder where you want to store the
file, and tap
If a password has been set for the folder, a password
entry screen appears. Enter the password (5 to 8 digit number) using
the numeric keys and tap the

Creating PDF for PC browsing
Tap the [Create PDF for PC Browsing] checkbox to
, and a public PDF for PC browsing will
be created when the file is saved.
Default Setting of PDF Format for PC Browsing
You can set the initial file format of public PDF or
the file for download which is created during execution of each
In "Settings (administrator)", select [System Settings] → [Document Filing Settings]
→ [Common Settings] → [Default Setting of PDF Format for PC Browsing].
B/W: Compression Mode
None, MH (G3), MMR (G4)
Color/Grayscale: Compression Ratio
Low, Middle, High
Setting the level of encrypted PDF when sending confidential
The settings in "Settings (administrator)", [System Settings]
→ [Image Send Settings] → [Scan Settings] → [Condition Settings]
→ [Encryption Level of PDF] will be applied.