Store new names or addresses in the address book by
directly entering them.
In the address book screen, tap [Add New] on the action panel, or tap the [Address Control] icon in the home screen.
Enter basic information.
Be sure to enter [Name] and [Initial].Tap [Fax Number], [E-mail Address], [Internet Fax Address], or [Direct SMTP Address]
to enter the address, and tap
Tap the [Register] key.
The first address of each address type is set as the default address. If no address has the checkbox next to it selected, a confirmation screen will appear asking you if you want to select a default address.BP-50M26/BP-50M31/BP-50M36/BP-50M45/BP-50M55/BP-50M65/BP-70M31/BP-70M36/BP-70M45/BP-70M55/BP-70M65
User's Manual
Version 04a / bp70m65_usr_04a_us